Become a Master Merchandiser with Our How-To Guide for Retailers

Merchandising is at the heart of successful retail.

Merchandising is critical in retail. Beautiful displays that catch peoples’ attention are what draw them into a store, make them want to experience that store’s environment and ultimately decide to purchase something. Customers buy more than goods, they are buying things that allow them to show who they are and showcase their lifestyle. In brick and mortar stores products need to be strategically and thoughtfully placed to attract attention, drive in traffic and maximize sales

This 51-page guide will teach you everything you need to know about mastering in-store merchandising step-by-step! Written for retailers by our very own CEO and visual merchandising expert, Joe Baer.


A Look At What's Inside:

This comprehensive guide offers insight into store displays to move merchandise and overall strategies to improve your

Master Visual Merchandising

What Is Visual Merchandising?

Develop A Visual Merchandising Strategy

Zones To Consider

Window Zone

Front Entrance Zone

Impulse Zone

Checkout Zone

Merchandising Techniques




Color Blocking

Negative Space


Cross  Merchandising



Joy Love

Director of Merchandise Planning, San Diego Zoo

“We have 15 stores, this guide is inspires our associates stretch their merchandising skills and challenges them to come up with creative displays!”


Jacob Umboeffer

Store Owner, Hallmark

“This book is a must-have for any retailer. Merchandising moves product, this makes it easy!”


Watch and gain addition insight from our very own CEO and visual merchandising expert, Joe Baer.


Develop a Visual Merchandising Strategy For Your Store

Retailers need a visual merchandising strategy. Retail and merchandising expert Joe Baer explains how to do retailers of any size can create a killer merchandising plan that will sell more products and keep customers coming back into stores!


Three Ways to Master Retail Store Merchandising

Do you know what Victoria Secret, Anthropologie and Target are masters at? It's store displays and merchandising. In this video series, retail design and merchandising expert Joe Baer of Zen Genius shares how retailers large and small can master store merchandising in three simple steps.