10 Tips for Event Planning Post COVID-19

It’s true. In the more than 20 years that we’ve designed and executed memorable live events, we’ve never experienced anything quite like our current climate. It’s also true that we’re tapping into our ingenious nature and developing creative solutions for special events of the future.

As we return to gathering again, our team is here to help you navigate the ever-evolving new normal. Yes, there will be a learning curve as we gradually plan smaller, more intimate or virtual events. In time we’ll see a return to what we once knew. In the meantime, we have a responsibility to design events that put the health and safety of guests, attendees and event staff at the forefront.

With this in mind, here are 10 Tips for Event Planning post COVID-19:



Ensure your guests feel safe. Offer a “welcome bag” with a mini bottle of hand sanitizer along with other preventative tools such as masks, wipes and gloves and a description of the safety measures taken to keep your guests safe at the event. Greeters and servers should verbally reinforce a safe event.



Utilize social distance space planning. Allow more space between tables, food stations and bars. Outline spacing on floors with graphics or tape. Consider breaking up large gatherings into multiple spaces within the venue.



Find a new date for your event. Work with your Event Planner to move events to the fall, winter or early 2021. Consider moving your event to a different day during the week like Monday through Thursday.



Revisit your theme. Was your event planned for this Spring or Summer? Will your theme work in the Fall or Winter? Partner with your Event Planner to assist in the redesign of your event.



Establish new safety standards for your event and ensure all vendors and partners are committed to practicing these guidelines. Remember, communication is key. Be transparent with your safety standards.



Ask for feedback before the event. Learn about the concerns of your attendees and plan accordingly.



Add a virtual layer. Virtual experiences could become a standard allowing larger groups to connect. Engage your attendees, whether they attend the event or enjoy from the safety of their own home.



Think outside the box. Preventative measures don’t have to be boring. Use creative ways to work safety guidelines into your décor. Decorative sanitizers, themed masks and group games can be safe and fun.



Brainstorm future events. This is a great time to get a step ahead by focusing your creative energy on brainstorming ideas, themes and activities for future events. Think ahead to 2022 or beyond.



Be prepared and have a plan. It is extremely important that we are all prepared and have a plan before normal event activity resumes. Proper planning now will guarantee safer events for all in the future.


What are your thoughts as we move toward planning events? We predict phases of comfort being established, but permanently keeping our health a number one priority.

More than anything, our team is committed to creating amazing events where guests are comfortable and safe. We’re working safely from home, but are here to collaborate and brainstorm your next event.

Looking to plan ahead for a future event?

We've created a special Event Design Brainstorm Session to inspire your next celebration. Click below to learn more about this limited offer.